
File API

What is File API

File api is used to implement file operations. Applications can perform CRUD operations on files through this interface. The interface supports streaming mode to realize the transmission of large files.

How to use File API

You can call the File API through grpc. The API is defined in runtime.proto.

The component needs to be configured before use. Different components should have own configuration.For OSS detail configuration items, see OSS Component Document


For examples of using file api, please refer to File Demo

grpc API definition

  // Get file with stream
rpc GetFile(GetFileRequest) returns (stream GetFileResponse) {}

// Put file with stream
rpc PutFile(stream PutFileRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

// List all files
rpc ListFile(ListFileRequest) returns (ListFileResp){}

// Delete specific file
rpc DelFile(DelFileRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}





message GetFileRequest {
string store_name = 1;
// The name of the file or object want to get.
string name = 2;
// The metadata for user extension.
map<string,string> metadata = 3;

message GetFileResponse {
bytes data = 1;

message PutFileRequest {
string store_name = 1;
// The name of the file or object want to put.
string name = 2;
// The data will be store.
bytes data = 3;
// The metadata for user extension.
map<string,string> metadata = 4;

message FileRequest {
string store_name = 1;
// The name of the directory
string name = 2;
// The metadata for user extension.
map<string,string> metadata = 3;

message ListFileRequest {
FileRequest request = 1;

message ListFileResp {
repeated string file_name = 1;

message DelFileRequest {
FileRequest request = 1;

Get File

  // Get file with stream
rpc GetFile(GetFileRequest) returns (stream GetFileResponse) {}

To avoid inconsistencies between this document and the code, please refer to the newest proto file for detailed input parameters and return values.

Put File

  // Put file with stream
rpc PutFile(stream PutFileRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

To avoid inconsistencies between this document and the code, please refer to the newest proto file for detailed input parameters and return values.

Delete File

// Delete specific file
rpc DelFile(DelFileRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

To avoid inconsistencies between this document and the code, please refer to the newest proto file for detailed input parameters and return values.

List File

// List all files
rpc ListFile(ListFileRequest) returns (ListFileResp){}

To avoid inconsistencies between this document and the code, please refer to the newest proto file for detailed input parameters and return values.