
Source Parse 4 Layer Traffic Governance, tcp traffic dump

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Author profile: Giggon, is an open source community lover committed to embracing open sources.

Writing on: April 26, 2022


The purpose of this document is to analyze the implementation of tcp traffic dump


Document content refers to the following version of the code


Layotto 0e97e97e970dc504e0298017bd956d2841c44c0810b (main)

Source analysis

Code in: tcpcopy CODE

model.go analysis

This is the core class of tcpcopy's configuration objects

Type DumpConfig struct {-
Switch `json:"twitch"` // dump switch. Values:'ON' or 'OFF'
Interval int `json:"interval" //dump sampling interval Unit: Second
Duration int `json:"duration"// Single Sampling Cycle Unit: Second
CpuMaxate float64 `json:"cpu_max_rate"\/ cpu Maximum usage The ump feature will stop
MemMaxRate float64 `json:"mem_max_rate"` // mem maximum usage. When this threshold is exceeded, The ump feature will stop

Type DumpUpadDynamic Architect 6
Unique_sample_windowing string// Specify sample window
BusinessType _type. usinessType // Business Type
Port string // Port
Binary_flow_data []byte// binary data
Portrait_data string // User uploaded data

persistence.go analysis

This is the dump persistent core processing class of tcpcopy

// This method is called in OnData in tcpcopy.go
func IsPersistence() bool {
// 判断 dump 开关是否开启
if !strategy.DumpSwitch {
if log.DefaultLogger.GetLogLevel() >= log.DEBUG {
log.DefaultLogger.Debugf("%s the dump switch is %t", model.LogDumpKey, strategy.DumpSwitch)
return false

// Check whether it is in the sampling window
if atomic.LoadInt32(&strategy.DumpSampleFlag) == 0 {
if log.DefaultLogger.GetLogLevel() >= log.DEBUG {
log.DefaultLogger.Debugf("%s the dump sample flag is %d", model.LogDumpKey, strategy.DumpSampleFlag)
return false

// Check whether the dump function is stopped. Obtain the system load and check whether the processor and memory exceeds the threshold of the tcpcopy. If yes, stop the dump function.
if !strategy.IsAvaliable() {
if log.DefaultLogger.GetLogLevel() >= log.DEBUG {
log.DefaultLogger.Debugf("%s the system usages are beyond max rate.", model.LogDumpKey)
return false

return true

// Persist data based on configuration information
func persistence(config *model.DumpUploadDynamicConfig) {
// 1.Persisting binary data
if config.Binary_flow_data != nil && config.Port != "" {
if GetTcpcopyLogger().GetLogLevel() >= log.INFO {
GetTcpcopyLogger().Infof("[%s][%s]% x", config.Unique_sample_window, config.Port, config.Binary_flow_data)
if config.Portrait_data != "" && config.BusinessType != "" {
// 2. Persisting Binary data Persisting user-defined data
if GetPortraitDataLogger().GetLogLevel() >= log.INFO {
GetPortraitDataLogger().Infof("[%s][%s][%s]%s", config.Unique_sample_window, config.BusinessType, config.Port, config.Portrait_data)

// 3. Changes in configuration information in incrementally persistent memory
buf, err := configmanager.DumpJSON()
if err != nil {
if log.DefaultLogger.GetLogLevel() >= log.DEBUG {
log.DefaultLogger.Debugf("[dump] Failed to load mosn config mem.")
// 3.1. dump if the data changes
tmpMd5ValueOfMemDump := common.CalculateMd5ForBytes(buf)
memLogger := GetMemLogger()
if tmpMd5ValueOfMemDump != md5ValueOfMemDump ||
(tmpMd5ValueOfMemDump == md5ValueOfMemDump && common.GetFileSize(getMemConfDumpFilePath()) <= 0) {
md5ValueOfMemDump = tmpMd5ValueOfMemDump
if memLogger.GetLogLevel() >= log.INFO {
memLogger.Infof("[%s]%s", config.Unique_sample_window, buf)
} else {
if memLogger.GetLogLevel() >= log.INFO {
memLogger.Infof("[%s]%+v", config.Unique_sample_window, incrementLog)

tcpcopy.go analysis

This is the core class of tcpcopy.

// Sign up to NetWork 
func init() with MFA
api. egisterNetwork("tcpcopy", CreateTccopyFactory)

// returns tcpcopy Factory
func CreateTccopyFactory(cfg map[string]interface{}) (api. etworkFilterChainFactory, error) LO
tcpConfig := &config{}
// dump policy transition to static configuration
if stg, ok := cfg["strategy"]; ok {
//TODO excerpt some other fields
return &tcpcopyFactoryLU
cfg: tcpConfig,
}, nil

// for pkg/configmanager/parser. o Call to add or update Network filter factory
func (f *tcpcopyFactory) Init(param interface{}) error error 56
// Set listening address and port configuration
return nil

// implements the OnData Interface of ReadFilter, processing
func (f *tcpcopyFactory) OnData(data types.IoBuffer) (res api. ilterStatus) online
// Determines whether the current requested data requires sampling dump
if !persiste.Isistence() {
return api.Continue

// Asynchronous sample dump
config := model.NewDumpUpadDynamic Config(strategy. umpSampleUuid, "", f.cfg.port, data.Bytes(), "")
return api.Continue

Finally, we look back at the overall process progress:

  1. Starting from the initialization function init() of tccopy.go to CreateGRPCServerFilterFactory Incoming CreateTcpcopyFactory.

  2. Mosn created a filter chain (code positionfactory.go) by circulating CreateFilterChain to add all filters to the chain structure, including tccopy.

  3. When the traffic passes through mosn will enter the tcpcopy.go OnData method for tcpcopump logical processing.