
Pluggable Component Use Documents

This example shows how users can implement and register their components with the ability provided by Layotto to plug components.and use Layotto sdk to verify the correctness of their components.

Step1. Write and Run Plug Components

Next, run code already written

cd demo/pluggable/hello
go run.

Print the results below for successful service startup

start grpc server
  1. Use go to implement hello components as an example, find proto file for corresponding components in layotto/spec/proto/pluggable, and generate grpc files for the corresponding language. The pb file in the go language has been generated and placed under spec/proto/plugable/v1 to use it directly when referenced by the user.
  2. In addition to implementing the interface defined in the protocoluf file, the component needs to start the file using socket and store the sock file in the /tmp/runtime/component-sockets default path. can also modify the location of the sock store path through the environmental variable LAYOTTO_COMPONETS_SOCKETS_FOLDER.
  3. In addition to this, the user needs to register a reflection service in grpserver for the specific implementation interface of the grpc service when the layotto service is found. Specific code can be referenced to demo/plugble/hello/main.go

Step2. Launch Layotto

cd cmd/layotto
go build -o layotto.
./layotto start -c ../../configs/config_hello_component.json

The type of the component in the configuration file is hello-grpc-demo, determined by the prefix of the socket file. The configuration item is consistent with the registered normal hello component.Provides metadata items to allow users to set custom configuration requirements.

Step 3. Validate component

Based on existing component test code, test the validity of plug-in plugins implemented by the user.

cd demo/hello/common
go run

The following result of the program output indicates that the unpluggable component registration is running successfully.

runtime client initializing for:

Learn how the Layotto Plug Components can be implemented

If you are interested in implementing the rationale or want to expand some features, you can read可插拔组件的设计文档