
Addition and deletion of files based on MinIO OSS

Quick Start

Layotto provides examples demo for access files.

step 1. Start MinIO and Layotto

Using Docker Compose

You can start MinIO and Layotto with docker-compose

cd docker/layotto-minio
# Start MinIO and layotto with docker-compose
docker-compose up -d

Local compilation (not for Windows)

You can use Docker to run MinIO, and then compile locally and run Layotto.

[!TIP|label: don't fit for Windows users] Layotto will fail to compile under Windows.It is recommended that Windows users deploy using docker-compose

step 1.1. Start MinIO service

You can use Docker to launch local MinIO, reference官方文档.

docker run -d -p 9000:9000-p 90:9090 --name minio \
-e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=layotto" \
-e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSORD=layotto_secretariat" \
--restore=always \
minio/minio server / data --console-address ':909'

step 1.2. Start layotto

layotto offers minio's configuration fileoss配置, as shown below

                      "file": {
"minio": {
"endpoint": "play.min.io",
"accessKeyID": "Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F",
"accessKeySecret": "zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG",

The default configuration will be linked to play.min.io. If you deploy Minio, you can modify the configuration as necessary.

When configured, toggle directory:

#备注 请将${project_path}替换成你的项目路径
cd ${project_path}/cmd/layotto


go build -o layotto

Start Layotto:

./layotto start --config ../../configs/config_file.json

step 2. Start testing demo

Layotto provides example [demo]for access files (https://github.com/mosn/layotto/blob/main/demo/file/client.go)

cd ${project_path}/demo/file
go build client.go

# 创建名为test的bucket
./client bucket test
# 上传文件到test bucket,前缀为hello,内容为"hello layotto"
./client put test/hello/layotto.txt "hello layotto"
# 获取 layotto.txt的内容
./client get test/hello/layotto.txt
# 获取test bucket下的前缀为hello的所有文件列表
./client list test/hello
# 获取layotto.txt文件的元数据
./client stat test/hello/layotto.txt
# 删除layotto.txt文件
./client del test/hello/layotto.txt

Step 3. Destruction of containers, release of resources

Close Docker Compose

If you started with docker-compose, MinIO and Layotto can be turned off: as follows.

cd ${project_path}/docker/layotto-minio
docker-compose stop

Destroy the MinIO Docker container

If you are MinIO, started with Docker, you can destroy the MinIO container:

docker rm -f minio

Continue to experience other APIs later

Continue to experience other APIs with the navigation bar on the left!

Learn how to implement File API

If you are interested in implementing the rationale or want to expand some features, you can read the File API design document