MOSN gRPC framework design document
MOSN is able to provide a GRPC Server based on the go grpc server framework. Compared to the original go grpc server framework, the following capacity: is available
- Full reuse of MOSN Sidecar deployments, upgrades, shipping capabilities
- Reuse basic:HotUps, Listener Filter, Network Filter, etc. common in MOSN
- StreamFilter extension capability in MOSN
- MOSN's gRPC capacity is largely based on the achievement of core competencies in the official gRPC library and varies from gRPC Server developers
- Based on NetworkFilter
Detailed Design
Split NetworkFilter Mechanisms & Processes
- When configuring the resolution, complete the start of the gRPC Server and start providing the service with the Listener listener listener for MOSN
- A connection to a NetworkFilter object
- InitializeFilterCallbacks and OnNewConnections are also the interfaces called when the connection is created. They are responsible for initializing connections
- OnData is an interface called after data is received and is responsible for data transmission
- go gRPC Server library, one connection from Listener to 'listen' and then read and write, while Listener's listening and connection data have been processed in the MOSN framework, where a layer of treatment is required
- Listener and Conn are interface. Once processed in the MOSN Filter, then get data to gRPC Server, do gRPC Server without knowledge
- Implementing Listener's package when configuring parsing
- Implementing Conn packages in InitializeReadFilterCallbacks
- Transmit the packed Conn to the encapsulated Listener, triggering Listener.Accept
- Send read data in OnData to encapsulated Conns, Trigger Conn.Read
gRPC Server implementation
- In implementing the gRPC Server using the official gRPC framework, the developer needs to generate a .pb.go file based on proto file, and a set of interfaces that meet the performance defined in the interface to register (Register) into the gRPC Server framework
- MOSN gRPC NetworkFilter needs to provide a similar registration capability, allowing developers to focus only on gRPC Server for logic, and then register in MOSN framework enough
The MOSN GRPC framework requires the developer to implement a function, which returns a grpc server that does not call the Serve method.The framework will use the custom Listener to call the Serve method to block data
func init() {
mgrpc.RegisterServerHandler("mygrpc", MyFunc)
func MyFunc(_ json.RawMessage) *grpc.Server {
s := grpc.NewServer()
// pb 是.pb.go 所在的 package 路径
// server 是开发者实现的 api 接口
pb.RegisterGreeterServer(s, &server{})
return s
- Example of intended configuration (layotto)
"default_log_level": "INFO",
"address": "",
"bind_port": true,
"filter_chains": [{
"filters": [
"type": "grpc",
"config": {
"grpc_config": {
"hellos": {
"helloworld": {
"type": "helloworld",
"hello": "greeting"
"config_store": {
"config_store_demo": {
"type": "etcd",
"address": [""],
"timeout": "10"
"stream_filters": [
"type": "flowControlFilter",
"config": {
"global_switch": true,
"limit_key_type": "PATH",
"rules": [
"resource": "/spec.proto.runtime.v1.Runtime/SayHello",
"grade": 1,
"threshold": 5