
Generate API plugin automatically

Writing the API plugin yourself is boring. You can use Layotto's code generator to generate all the code.

[!TIP|label: Types of API plugins] There are two types of API plugins:

  • In-tree plugins.
  • Out-of-tree plugins

The code of in-tree plugins is located in the layotto repo, while the code of out-of-tree plugins can be placed in your own repo outside the layotto repo.

This guide will show you how to generate out-of-tree plugins. If you want to generate in-tree plugins, see the other doc for help.

Let's say you want to add a PublishTransactionalMessage method to the existing pubsub API. You write a new proto file cmd/layotto_multiple_api/advanced_queue/advanced_queue.proto:

// ......
/* @exclude extends pub_subs */
// AdvancedQueue is advanced pubsub API
service AdvancedQueue {

rpc PublishTransactionalMessage(TransactionalMessageRequest) returns (TransactionalMessageResponse);


message TransactionalMessageRequest {
string store_name = 1;

string content = 2;

message TransactionalMessageResponse {
string message_id = 1;

and run the generator:

protoc -I . \
--go_out . --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=. \
--go-grpc_opt=require_unimplemented_servers=false,paths=source_relative \
--p6_out ./cmd/layotto_multiple_api/advanced_queue --p6_opt=paths=source_relative \

then you get the code:

Fix the path error and then you can register this API plugin in your main.


How to generate code and documentation from the .proto files
